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世界初!? ナメクジの交尾する様子をデザイン!




World's first! ??
Design the mating of slugs!

The slugs are hermaphroditic, and one is both male and female. Basically, one slug does not leave any offspring and needs to mate with other individuals. Since the genitals are on the right side of the head, they are brought together when mating. The tenugui (Japanese hand towel)pattern is a design of the mating. Eggs are laid in the soil or behind rotten trees.

◎ Pattern 1
Meghimatium fruhstorferi
The pattern slug is the largest slug in Japan, "Yamanamekuji(Meghimatium fruhstorferi), which can reach up to 20 cm in length. It is often seen eating mushrooms in forests and thickets.

◎ Pattern 2
A type of Arionidae
It has a fleshy shell on its back. It contains a small oval shell, which is a remnant of the shell that slugs once carried on their backs. Only one individual is drawn on the tenugui.

タテ 約33cm×ヨコ 90cm

Vertical approx. 33 cm x horizontal 90 cm




[How to enjoy]
Please use it as a normal towel.

デザイン:脇 司(わき つかさ)
1983年生まれ。東邦大学 理学部 講師。 2014年東京大学農学生命科学研究科修了。博士(農学)。 日本学術振興会特別研究員、済州大学校(韓国)博士研究員、 目黒寄 生虫館研究員を経て、2019年から現職。 貝類に寄生する寄生虫を研究中。 趣味で集めた陸貝の殻コレクションは 600種以上にのぼる、 筋金入りの陸貝コレクターでもある。著書に『カタツムリ・ナメクジの愛し方 日本の陸貝図鑑』(ベレ出版)がある。

[Staff profile]
Tsukasa Waki
Born in 1983. Lecturer, Faculty of Science, Toho University. Completed the Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo in 2014. Ph.D. (Agriculture). After working as a research fellow at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, a postdoctoral researcher at Jeju National University (Korea), and a researcher at the Meguro Parasitological Museum, he has been in his current position since 2019. Researching parasites that parasitize shellfish. He is also a hardcore land snail collector with more than 600 species of snail shell collection as a hobby. He is the author of "How to Love Snails and Slugs" (Bele Publishing).

 デザイン:脇 司(陸貝屋、寄生虫学者、東邦大学講師)

Design: Tsukasa Waki ​​(Parasitologist, lecturer at Toho University)
Issuance / Release: Kiwi Lab Co., Ltd.

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